29th October 2022 saw a successful Halloween in the Park for the second year running – a great morning out for local families.
Thanks to all who came along and supported the event!

We were helped out by the council who cleared the park paths the day before.
Autumn leaves are gorgeous but they can be a real slip hazard – especially with the rain that moved in Friday night.

Indeed, the day dawned with pouring rain, but the hardy Friends set up gazeboes, tables, etc., in hopes the adage ‘Rain before 7, Dry by 11’ would come true.
Sure enough the rain magically disappeared just before the activities started at 10am.
The rain stayed away until just before closing time – perfect!
Perhaps all the Harry Potters we saw waved those magic wands.
The Spooky Trail, helped out by a series of 12 Owls, and spelling out a popular vehicle for witches, saw children run all through the park, looking for clues and possibly running into the Mummy that had escaped its vault.

Refreshments in the Park Pavilion kept energy levels up with a wide range of cupcakes, waffles, hot drinks and hot dogs (also known as Severed Fingers).
Meanwhile, pumpkins got poked, with the chance of a special Galt Toy prize, and prizes from the local businesses were on offer at the Raffle Table.

A lucky dip and small gifts were on offer from the British Red Cross stall, helping to raise money for refugees from war zones across the world.

And the day ended with a glorious sunset over the park.