Friends rescue owls, signs and border space in the Park

Apr 5, 2022 | Projects

Volunteers for the Friends of Heaton Moor Park (let’s call them Tony, Mark and Jeff) have this past month tackled and solved three recent problems in the park.

The problems

  • Over the years, damp conditions caused the Woodland Walk sign to deteriorate and fall over.
  • Also in the Woodland Walk, the owl statue became dislodged and displaced, due to the same damp conditions. The owl actually ended up next to the rails along Elms Road perhaps due to strong winds? The bolts securing the owl to the ground were exposed. As a stopgap measure, the Friends put some logs over the base (see above).
  • Meanwhile, over the years, the Council has been installing bins in the park that accept dog waste and removing the ‘dog waste only’ receptacles. However, a pole for one receptacle remained rather forlornly and somewhat dangerously at the Elms Road entrance.

The solutions

The Friends put their engineering and design skills to work and came up with new and improved alternatives

  • The Woodland Walk sign sports a new stronger and sturdier post
  • The Woodland Walk owl stands on a lovely and natural new perch.
  • The old dog waste receptacle pole has now been removed, and we are looking at to replace it with some planting.