Health in the park

Jun 16, 2019 | Thoughts about the park

This article from the i newspaper concerns a a study carried out by the University of Exeter and covering over 20,000 people from all walks of life.

The results demonstrate that just two hours a week in an urban green area like Heaton Moor Park can have a positive effect on health. 

Heaton Moor Park has lots of tended garden areas and it also has a few ‘wilder areas’ that may seem a bit more nature-like to explore (rain or no rain!).

You could even combine a stroll through the park with detours off the the nearby St Andrews Field and Peel Moat Park area and extend your time with nature?

To get even closer to nature, there are the Heaton Strollers, who meet every Monday at 1:30 and the Garden in the Park days, every 2nd Saturday of the month. Both are free. Check our Events page for more details!

The Wildflower corner (corner of Park Road and Buckingham Road) has plenty of nature to wander through.
Climb up the dry stone stair to the wild play corner (to the right of the entrance from Peel Moat Road)