Sprucing up the Park 11 Aug 2018

Aug 19, 2018 | Garden in the Park

The Friends of Heaton Moor Park had a busy Garden in the park day the weekend  of 11 August 2018.  The weather had cooled since July, with a bit of cloud cover, so that made the work a bit easier. Excellent cake was on offer during the break and everyone appreciated the encouraging comments from passers-by (who, as always, are more than welcome to join in!).

The day’s leader apologises if he hasn’t remembered everyone, but was delighted to report a number of actions very helpful to sprucing up the park.

  • One Adam (there are 3 are in the group!) set to pruning shrubs and weeding walls around the centre circle.
  • Another Adam gave the timber sculptures (who can name them? – like our Adams, there are at least 3) in the woodland walk a much needed oiling.
  • Pauline and Jeff and our youngest helper, Poppy, pruned along the path between the leading from the woodland walk; Jeff also repaired the tennis court fencing.
  • Ed cut the yew hedge along the bowling green while Anne weeded the adjacent raised bed.
  • Rona and Robert cultivated the curving beds to the west of the bowling green.
  • Sally tackled the lime tree growth not growing where it’s supposed to (honestly! these plants!) along towards Buckingham Road.
  • Tony gave trees more breathing space by cutting back metres of ivy.

In addition to all this work, a thoughtful lady came on the day and donated a wheelbarrow. This is a great addition to our collection of tools.

The Owl got its feathers pampered